OpenLongTrails Grit

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Map Data Downloads

Pacific Crest Trail

The following files are intended for use with Grit,'s thruhiking app, though they may also be used independently. They are provided free of charge.

Grit does not include a visual map display, and is designed for use alongside a dedicated mobile mapping app, such as Gaia GPS or Caltopo. is not affiliated with any of these mapping apps, which may charge their own fees.

Each of the following files is available in GPX and GeoJSON formats.

OLT recommends use of the individual section files (Desert, Sierra, etc.) over the single 'Full Trail' file. The 'Full Trail' file, which is simply the combination of the five individual sections, is fairly large, and loads slowly in some apps (ie Caltopo), and does not load at all in others (ie Gaia GPS). The GeoJSON files commonly load more quickly than the equivalent GPX files.

If you are using Gaia GPS, the data in the following files is already available as a shared Gaia map. Instructions for loading it are available here.

Grit is open source software licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3.0. The source code is available under the GitHub account.

The PCT on OLT Grit is based on trail data provided by the incredible and generous team at Halfmile Media (

These mapping files, as well as the PCT data in Grit, are modified from the data available on

Used with permission. For personal use only. You may not charge a fee for the redistribution of these files.


Instructions for Gaia GPS Users

The PCT map data is available on Gaia GPS as a publicly shared Map Folder. This means Gaia GPS users can import the entire folder at once, and don't need to go through the process of importing the individual files.

To add the OLT PCT data to your Gaia GPS account, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your account on Gaia GPS.
  2. Load the OLT PCT Shared Map Folder page on
  3. Click the "+ Add to My Folders" button

The OpenLongTrails PCT data should now be visible on your map. To see the individual items, go to Gaia's Map View and click on 'Saved Items' -> 'Pacific Crest Trail'.

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OpenLongTrails Grit is open source software licensed under the AGPLv3.